Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I hadn't realized it's been so long since I wrote on here!  I have been busy with life lately between family illness and personal  things.  I have finally gotten back to a less crazy life and am trying to get all my crafts caught up!! 
Lets see we have a new family member  His name is Cletus  Kyle saw him get thrown out of a car and picked him up and brought him home. I believe he is about 6-8 wks old Maggie has adopted him nice to have the baby with no pain !! He is getting along well with everyone now and starting to do better potty training.  Daisy as you can see rules the couch world and is not interested in being a sub  mom!!

We have started to down size the yard work now. We got rid of my big rose bushes at the front of our house I was sad to see them go they have been there for 18 yrs  but I was unable to keep up with them anymore.
The other garden we will downside it as well as I can't get help to keep it weeded.

I have been working on a few boms this year and have acually managed to get them all done so far!! Now I have started on my x-mas gift list. this year I decided to make gifts or I won't give any we'll see how that goes I'm way behind on my work. 

well I had better go now and get something done today. I seem to have been on the computer most of the day instead of on my sewing machine!!  I will have to put in a movie and hand sew today.

speak to you again later.

                                           Gizmo not amused with new pup he stole her food stash!!
                                         Maggie and Princess with Cletus
                                           Maggie and Cletus!
                                          back of pillow made for Grandma's friend
                                           Front of pillow
                                          Crinoline for a friend !
                                           July country Junktion  bom

                                           Country Cottages bom July
                                           Raspberry Rabbits July bom
                                          Funky Chicken July bom
                                          front of a mini wall quilt for a x-mas gift
                                          the start of Esthers forget me not bom July block
                                           Maggie and Cletus a week later  she really loves him!!
                                          Daisy took over the couch today No MALES allowed!!
