Wednesday, December 5, 2012

x-mas time!!

Hi everyone!

It's nearly here!! Only 20 days to go.  I thought I  had better  dig out the holiday gifts from the closet and find out what I had  and what I still needed.  I try to get a little through out the year and make special gifts  then store them until december.  This year I did really good I only have to get one case of beer for my sons girlfriends father!!  Then I thought I would get off with out baking this year but  the questions have been asked  WHAT ARE YOU BAKING THIS YEAR? WE REALLY LIKED....... OR i WOULD REALLY ENJOY.........

So now onto the shopping list!!! I will have to go on monday after the Dr's and help shop for it all or some will get misssed.!! 

This morning I wrapped what I have  with a lot of help from my furry friends!! Smudge retired to the window to sit and dream about what Santa will bring her ( not catnip thats for sure!!)

Salvador helping!!
Smudge dreaming!!

Well thats it for now time for a cuppa and snack!!

Hope you all have a great Holiday Season!!

From My  House to Yours

Jennifer Thornton
(Ps its amazing what you can get done when you listen to  x-mas music!!)

1 comment:

  1. G'day Jennifer,
    You are way ahead of me.. I think I have the list done... Cheers!
