Saturday, January 14, 2012


It's cold this morning!  Its 6 am now I have been online for an  hour catching up on the friday sew in online! I'm making a house a day pattern and I'm already 14 days behind!! so I thought I'd cut ALL the pieces ahead and put in bags by weeks so I could just grab a bag each week and work through them!! Yeah It hasn't worked so well!  I am still on  my sfirst and second  templete

and  need another 282  of each one!  then I need to cut 8030  more pieces just to make up the 365 blocks!!    considering I worked on them yesterday for hours and only got 166 pieces cut can anyone say Houston we have a Problem!!
I decided that I had to stay  up this morning after husband left for work and get cutting!  but two cups of tea later and I still haven't started yet!  I will have to pick out a movie marathan for today so I can get something done! 

We bought a wii machine for x-mas with the exercise program I have been neglectful this week and haven't registered in on it for my daily exercise do you think  getting up and down for material would count!! Oh and chasing the puppies around the house for templetes, thread,scissors and anything else not nailed down!! 

This morning Daisy out bassett hound, took off with my bag of cut out pieces!! I do not want to have to cut another 166 because she wanted attention!!
I gave her a dog biscuit and she has gone to her bed and hid it for later!!  at least it will keep her busy as she gaurds it all morning!

Daisy and Princess

Gizmo and Mocha
Here are  my puppies and one wanna be a puppy all ready for the cold outside!
well I h ope everyone has a great weekend. I won't be back on line until next week or I will never get anything done!! 

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